Masterclass Berlin

April 5th & 6th 2025
9 am - 5 pm

Uferstudios Berlin

“A life-changing experience!”

Unleash your authentic self, master the rules of success in the film industry, and prepare yourself with the latest acting techniques from Los Angeles.

There is no character; the character is you!

Stand out!
No acting,
have a conversation.

When Michelangelo was asked how he created the David statue, he answered: “The David was already there. In this block of marble. I just took the things away that didn’t belong to him.”

This metaphor perfectly captures the essence of the coaching process.

Become the person you were meant to be and embrace your true self by letting go of what does not feel like you.

Your authentic self is the only thing the world has not seen yet.

Unique, vulnerable, unstoppable.

“Acting is a living problem.”

Eric Morris

Private Session

Discover your potential with one-on-one coaching focused on you and your upcoming audition.

Live or via Zoom.

What makes you unique? What can you add to the audition that no one else can? Identify the strengths and qualities that are most likely hidden.

Auditioning is an excellent opportunity to work, learn, and showcase your personality.

Learn how to love and enjoy the auditioning process.

Only when you love it can you be great at it.

Our coaching sessions will focus on crafting a performance that stands out and inspires the director and casting director.

It is about one thing: Inspiration!
It's about someone saying: “Wow! Who is that?”


Unleash your true potential with a Transformational Acting Masterclass.

This program is designed for actors seeking to elevate their craft and become more professional about their careers.

Rehearsals allow you to explore techniques and styles, boosting your confidence.

You'll be part of a supportive group where collaboration, feedback, and encouragement are all part of the experience.

The Masterclass is a life-changing experience.

  • „Every scene is a love scene“- dieser Satz begleitet mich seitdem bei jeder Szene… Ich habe Michael bei einem Dreh kennengelernt und hatte das Vergnügen drei Drehtage mit ihm zu verbringen. Ein wahnsinnig offener, interessierter und inspirierender Schauspieler und Mensch. Wir blieben in Kontakt und er hat sich auch nach unserer gemeinsame Drehzeit weiter mit mir und vor allem meiner Figur auseinandergesetzt. Beim Coaching gab er mir wertvolle Dinge,Tipps und Fragen an die Hand, die mir einen neuen Blickwinkel zu meinem Seriencharakter gegeben haben und ich diesen dadurch besser greifen konnte. Ich bin sehr dankbar für die Begegnung und das was ich daraus mitnehmen durfte - seine Masterclass muss ein wahnsinniges Erlebnis sein und ich würde mich freuen mal dabei zu sein.

    SHAOLYN FERNANDEZ “Alles was zählt”, leading role.

  • “I decided to embrace a new approach for my audition for the TV movie "Lost in Fuseta." Michael’s training and working background in Los Angeles inspired me, and I discovered a different acting style that helped me to get the part. Working with Michael is a transformative experience, and I am grateful to continue working with him.”

    “Oktoberfest 1905” “Lost in Fuseta” “Polizeiruf 110” “Rehragout Rendevouz”

  • “Michael and I met in an acting Masterclass in London. I will never forget the coaching session he gave me between the shelves at Tesco’s. It was one of the shortest yet most impactful lessons I’ve ever had!”

    Founder and speaker of the podcast “Many Firsts”

  • “I met Michael on a film set in Los Angeles, and we became friends. I admired his passion for the craft and unique perspective, so I called him for a coaching session. Michael's authentic and vulnerable style as an actor inspired me. I loved working with him. His coaching helped me discover my true self, greatly impacting my acting and career, and I look forward to working with him again.”

    “General Hospital” “Bosch”
    “Magnum P.I.” “Animal Kingdom” “Shameless”