Private Session

Whether you are an industry professional or just starting your acting journey, elevate your performance with tailored coaching for upcoming auditions and skill enhancement.

Introduce something to the scene that captivates and has never been seen before. Casting directors, and directors often don’t know what they are looking for. But they know it when they see it. They know when they are inspired by an actor who brings something fresh and unique to the audition that adds value to the story. 

The biggest mistake actors make is assuming the scene is what they read.

The scene is never the scene, and words are barely the truth.

Increase the odds of booking the job!

In a live or Zoom session, we look at your potential beyond you as an actor because:

“Acting coaching is life coaching.” - Leonardo DiCaprio

Actors' issues are personal and related to their life experiences. Blocks and fears cover your genuine talent, authentic self, and vulnerability.

“Acting is a living problem!” - Eric Morris, Hollywood's top acting coach.

Acting constantly evolves like any other profession. Actors don’t act anymore like forty years ago, not even like last year.

Prepare yourself with the latest acting techniques from Los Angeles to enter an international market and keep up with the demands of directors and an ever-changing industry.

Loving yourself is the key to everything.