Private Session

Sometimes casting directors and directors don’t know what they are looking for. They know it when they see it. They get inspired by an actor who brings something fresh and unique to the table that adds value to the story.

Like every other profession acting changes all the time. It becomes more authentic, vulnerable, and real.

Whether you like to prepare for an audition or to improve your acting skills, in Private Sessions we look beyond you as an actor. Acting coaching is essentially life coaching, as actors' issues are personal and related to their life experiences.

My approach is to support you in understanding your blocks and fears and finally help you to overcome them. Blocks and fears that were put on you, and are covering your true talent, your authentic self, and your vulnerability.

Private Sessions for an upcoming audition will help you to stand out, be original, and show a part of yourself that we need to see.

“To be an interesting actor – hell, to be an interesting human being – you must be authentic and for you to be authentic you must embrace who you are. Do you have any idea how liberating it is to not care what people think about you? Well, that’s what we’re here to do.”
Sanford Meisner

Loving yourself is the key to everything.